Friday, May 22, 2009

The reward of Muslim women in paradise

The Quran states in the chapter called "The Woman" [4:32]

"Women shall have a benefit from what they earn. Ask, therefore, God [to give you] out of His bounty: behold, God has indeed full knowledge of everything."

Men and women will be rewarded appropriate for their good works in this world and a woman does a lot more than a man! She will be rewarded for looking after her family, cooking, cleaning if done with an sincere intention for God/Allah.

So don't you think that God/Allah is just and will give more to the women, if they have done more? Yes of course he will.

A righteous woman’s beauty in paradise is more than the beauty of the maidens in paradise. So much so they will almost be jealous! And if a maiden spat in the sea, all the seas would turn sweet, so what then is the beauty of a righteous Muslim woman in heaven? Amazing!

One scholar told me that the rewards of the women in the Quran is implied because they are more bashful that a man. A man needs it to be spelt out to him and a woman can read between the lines.

"They shall have whatever they wish with their Lord." [Qur'an: Surat Zumar, 34]

In Paradise, if we wish for something, it will be there before us, and no one will find anything less than everything they could possibly seek.

So your question is what will women get in paradise? A female teacher answers this question below

"In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah. May the peace and blessings of Allah shower upon our Beloved Messenger, his family, companions, and those who follow them.

Dear questioner,

The Qur'an gives women spiritual parity with men in terms of their status before Allah, their religious obligations, and the recompense of their deeds. The pleasures of paradise, including pure and righteous companions, are not exclusively for men. Allah says in Surat al-Baqarah verse 25, "But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is Gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits there-from, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before," for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (for ever)."

These "companions pure (and holy)" are called azwaj mutahhara in Arabic. Azwaj is the plural of zawj, which means mate, spouse, or companion. The promise in this verse is directed at the believers at large, both males and females, that they will have righteous spouses awaiting them in Paradise. Some scholars have said that if a believer so desires, she or he will be reunited with their spouse from earthly life.

Although the Qur'an mentions hur al-ain for men, or "wide-eyed virgins," this does not necessarily preclude the existence of handsome male companions for female believers.

And Allah knows best.

Umm Salah (Zaynab Ansari)"


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